Monday, 24 February 2014


Branching Out
Branching Out by PelicanPete

Birds at Little Lake Warilla....Lake Elliott
Birds at Little Lake Warilla....Lake Elliott by pat.bluey

Puffin Central
Puffin Central by eric robb niven

A grey Heron in Little Lake Warilla....Lake Elliott
A grey Heron in Little Lake Warilla....Lake Elliott by pat.bluey

White Ibis Trio Like-minded
White Ibis Trio Like-minded by David Hawkins Photography

3 in 1
3 in 1 by BorisWorkshop (340k+ views, thanks)

Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) 63.........Manual Mode
Great Spotted Woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) 63.........Manual Mode by Shilfie

House Wren
House Wren by Diane G. Zooms

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Yellow-rumped Warbler by tony y. h. tong

Horned Grebe Nervous Alert
Horned Grebe Nervous Alert by David Hawkins Photography

Spikey Young Fluff
Spikey Young Fluff by PelicanPete

White Ibis Facing Shadows
White Ibis Facing Shadows by David Hawkins Photography

Black Turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala
Black Turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala by markvcr

Anna's Hummingbird
Anna's Hummingbird by markvcr

A Pelican on Elliott Lake or Little Lake
A Pelican on Elliott Lake or Little Lake by pat.bluey

shaft tailed whydah
shaft tailed whydah by Zsuzsa Poór

Swan by Zsuzsa Poór

Bengalese Eagle Owl called Ben
Bengalese Eagle Owl called Ben by sarniebill1

Hello Booby Baby!!!
Hello Booby Baby!!! by masaiwarrior 1 million views

Black Kite
Black Kite by TopEnd Pik

A pigeon at Elliott Lake Warilla
A pigeon at Elliott Lake Warilla by pat.bluey

A Pelican and Sea Gull enjoying the afternoon sun In Lake Elliott
A Pelican and Sea Gull enjoying the afternoon sun In Lake Elliott by pat.bluey

Guarda-rios | Alcedo atthis | Common kingfisher
Guarda-rios | Alcedo atthis | Common kingfisher by JosBar 500.000 Views - Obg | Tkx

Safety in Numbers
Safety in Numbers by PelicanPete

Royal Spoonbill
Royal Spoonbill by pat.bluey

Pellicano dal ciuffo..arruffato( Pellicano dalmata o P. riccio (Pelecanus crispus)
Pellicano dal ciuffo..arruffato( Pellicano dalmata o P. riccio (Pelecanus crispus) by Massimo Greco _Foligno

A Little Shut-Eye
A Little Shut-Eye by PelicanPete

'No I'm just a little Blue Tit'
'No I'm just a little Blue Tit' by Shilfie

Höckerschwan (Cygnus olor)
Höckerschwan (Cygnus olor) by cosmo~jo

Ptit Ami
Ptit Ami by Mystycat =^..^=(+/-off, very busy)

Large Ground Finch on a cactus on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos
Large Ground Finch on a cactus on Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos by masaiwarrior 1 million views

Cygnets at Loch Milldam
Cygnets at Loch Milldam by eric robb niven

Black Swan
Black Swan by TopEnd Pik

Turnstone (Arenaria interpres)
Turnstone (Arenaria interpres) by Kev Hill

Boreal Owl Portrait
Boreal Owl Portrait by maryanne.pfitz

Just call me "The king"
Just call me "The king" by BorisWorkshop (340k+ views, thanks)

Long Tailed Tit 17 (Aegithalos caudatus).........Manual Mode
Long Tailed Tit 17 (Aegithalos caudatus).........Manual Mode by Shilfie

Fenicotteri rosa
Fenicotteri rosa by Massimo Greco _Foligno

Go Down To The Shore
Go Down To The Shore by bulldog1

Royal Spoonbill
Royal Spoonbill by TopEnd Pik

Whitethroat 8    (Sylvia communis)........   Manual Mode
Whitethroat 8 (Sylvia communis)........ Manual Mode by Shilfie

Piece By Piece
Piece By Piece by PelicanPete

Lilac-breasted Roller-Coracias caudatus1
Lilac-breasted Roller-Coracias caudatus1 by Zsuzsa Poór

Robin Collage
Robin Collage by eric robb niven

羽ばたき Flap
羽ばたき Flap by yoko.wannwannmaru

Flying First Class
Flying First Class by jlst2i

On The Hunt
On The Hunt by PelicanPete

Thraupis episcopus (Blue-gray Tanager/Azulejo)
Thraupis episcopus (Blue-gray Tanager/Azulejo) by PriscillaBurcher

Colored Placid Pond
Colored Placid Pond by HHH Photography

Blue Jay
Blue Jay by T.J.Gilmere (165,000+ views Thanks!)

A Royal Spoonbill in Lake Elliott Warilla
A Royal Spoonbill in Lake Elliott Warilla by pat.bluey

Egret Reflection
Egret Reflection by TopEnd Pik

Robin in woodland
Robin in woodland by ronmcbride66

Red Eye Duck
Red Eye Duck by TopEnd Pik

Female Daurian Redstart
Female Daurian Redstart by BorisWorkshop (340k+ views, thanks)

Airone cenerino in perlustrazione
Airone cenerino in perlustrazione by Massimo Greco _Foligno

Color in December
Color in December by jlst2i

Isla de Ometepe -Río Istiam-Great Egret (Ardea Alba)
Isla de Ometepe -Río Istiam-Great Egret (Ardea Alba) by Zsuzsa Poór

Atlapetes albinucha gutturalis (Yellow-throated brush finch/Gorrión montés gorgi-amarillo)
Atlapetes albinucha gutturalis (Yellow-throated brush finch/Gorrión montés gorgi-amarillo) by PriscillaBurcher

macaw by Zsuzsa Poór

Snow Day
Snow Day by PelicanPete

Can't We All Just Get Along?
Can't We All Just Get Along? by PelicanPete

White-breasted Nuthatch
White-breasted Nuthatch by Diane G. Zooms

Part In The Middle
Part In The Middle by PelicanPete

Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias
Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias by markvcr

Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus
Harlequin Duck, Histrionicus histrionicus by markvcr

Isla de Ometepe -Río Istiam-Tiger Heron (Tigrisoma lineatum)
Isla de Ometepe -Río Istiam-Tiger Heron (Tigrisoma lineatum) by Zsuzsa Poór

Holiday Heart
Holiday Heart by PelicanPete

Getting d o w n & d i r t y !!
Getting d o w n & d i r t y !! by TopEnd Pik

Catch of the day
Catch of the day by BorisWorkshop (340k+ views, thanks)

King's Crown
King's Crown by PelicanPete

Cutrettola (Motacilla flava)
Cutrettola (Motacilla flava) by Massimo Greco _Foligno

Blue Jay   26
Blue Jay 26 by Diane G. Zooms

What a stare
What a stare by BorisWorkshop (340k+ views, thanks)

Ostrich / Vogel Strauß
Ostrich / Vogel Strauß by caniak-shots

Daurian Redstart
Daurian Redstart by jocelynhuang